Beam Analysis Quiz 1

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The beam analysis quizzes serve as a crucial checkpoint to evaluate your grasp of the foundational concepts necessary for our structural analysis course. Should you encounter difficulties with these quizzes, it suggests that enhancing your knowledge in engineering mechanics - statics is essential before you can successfully embark on our structural analysis journey.

Each quiz features 4 questions. Carefully answer each one in the provided input fields. Once you are confident in your responses, click the submit button. ChatGPT will then review your answers and offer insightful feedback to help you improve.

Question 1

Consider a simply supported beam subjected to a concentrated load, as shown below.

The beam has two vertical reactions. There is a reaction force at A and there is one at B. Is it true that these reaction forces are equal in magnitude? Check the correct response below.

Explain your answer in the field provided below.

Question 2

Consider the beam with an overhang shown below.

Does the applied load cause a bending moment at support A? If yes, what is the magnitude of the moment?

Question 3

For the beam given in Question 2, what is the direction of bending moment caused by the vertical reaction at the roller support about end A?

Question 4

For a given structure, what does it mean when the static equilibrium equations are satisfied for one loading case but cannot be satisfied for another loading case?